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    隊長復合余天車禍防腐課程高雄梅雨鋒面慶生《青春18x2 通往有你的旅程》調查
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    THE LAB 結果共3筆

  • Pingtung opens Taiwan’s first dedicated drug analysis lab

    Pingtung County Government has inaugurated Taiwan’s first dedicated Drug Analysis Laboratory, a pioneering move to combat drug crimes more efficiently. The lab, costing NT$15 million, aims to reduce the turnaround time for drug analysis, which used to take one to two months when samples had to be sent to laboratories in other counties. Pingtung County Commissioner Chou Chun-mi emphasized the urgent need for the specialized lab due to the increasing variety and complexity of illicit drugs. Chou also highlighted the traditional approach to drug testing being too time-consuming and stressed the importance of efficiency in curbing the drug problem. In addition to the Drug Analysis Laboratory, Pingtung County has already established a Drug Testing Laboratory for urine tests in 2021. The new lab, certified by the Food and Drug Administration in December, marks a significant milestone in Taiwan’s anti-drug initiatives.
    2023/12/18 21:31
  • Chiayi reports first local avian flu outbreak this fall

    The Livestock Disease Control Center of Chiayi County culled 35,000 quails due to an outbreak of the H5N1 virus. The infection was confirmed at a quail farm in Xikou Township, Chiayi County. This is the first avian flu outbreak in the county since the start of Autumn. The farm reported diarrhea and abnormal deaths among its quails, leading to suspicions of avian influenza. Lab results confirming the H5N1 infection were received. The farm has experienced two previous outbreaks of avian flu, prompting calls for improved management practices and biosecurity measures.
    2023/10/11 13:14
  • 小學生課桌上熱舞秀特技!  超強特技尖叫聲破表

    美國洛杉磯西的小學舞團「THE LAB」,最近登上舞蹈節目表演,個個穿上制服、背上書包,隨著節奏大力搖擺,不僅手腳和身體動作十分俐落,小學生也懂得將桌椅當成凸顯舞蹈的道具。另外大陸廈門中學的學生,也用杯子和書本敲打桌子,加上阿卡貝拉人聲合唱,完成周杰倫的歌曲,讓人驚艷。
    2018/10/07 16:48
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